David McDonald
Contact West Carr & Harvey

Speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

ATO detective work is becoming increasingly sophisticated by the day and those operating outside of the system are now more easily identified.

Of course, it isnā€™t all purposeful omission of information and often individuals or business owners may be quite innocent in their mistakes.

This is why itā€™s important to stay up to date with your compliance requirements so we can escape the creepy guy with the magnifying glass, otherwise known as the ATOā€™s data matching program (not actually a real guy).

In addition to uncovering hidden or undeclared income the ATOā€™s data matching program has increasingly been identifying late or unmet lodgement obligations.

One of the areas identified is missed, late or incorrect employee superannuation payments which are reported to the ATO via the superannuation funds and Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting. This is an easy mistake to make and can result in significant penalties. We encourage you to be aware of this to ensure you are meeting your obligations.

There are also many more areas which the ATO check up on using data matching including:

Our advice? Please ensure you are across your requirements for you and your business. If you are unsure, feel free to contact us.