Christine Pope
Contact West Carr & Harvey

Your guide to Smartdocs

We are now distributing all communication from the ATO through our automated system.  Below we have outlined the simple process for accessing your documents.

  1. You will receive an SMS to your mobile phone, which will contain a security PIN.

2. You will receive an email, which features a website link at the bottom.

3. Please click on the link and you will be taken to a website. The website will ask for the PIN that was sent to your mobile phone. Please type the PIN into the website, then click the blue “get my document” button.

4. Depending on your computer or device settings, your document will now automatically download, or you will be prompted to ask where the document should be saved. Please select your preferences and click the Save button.

5. The document should now available on your computer or device as a PDF Document. You should now be able to open the location where you saved the document and click it to open.


Further help…

I received an email, but no SMS message  OR  I received an SMS message, but not email
Please contact our office immediately to let us know. We may need to update the email address or mobile number that we have on our records.

The SMS PIN code doesn’t work
Please check that you have entered the code correctly.   If you are still having trouble, please forward your email to us and we can look into the issue for you.

The website won’t load or has error messages
Please try again later, or try on a different device.  If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact our office.

I can’t find where my document saved to on my computer or device
If you did not specify where you wanted your document to be saved, the most common place that documents are saved to on a computer is on the Desktop, or in the Downloads folder.

You can also go to your browser menu (usually in the top right corner) and select “Downloads” from the menu. This will take you to a list of your recently downloaded files.

On an Apple phone, go to an App called Files then click on Recent to view a list of recently downloaded documents.

On an Android phone, go to an App called My Files then click on Downloads to view a list of downloaded documents.

I already received this document from ATO directly
Some of the documents we send you will be identical to documents that the ATO has sent you via post, email or myGov.   If the document we have sent you is a double-up of something you have already received, you can disregard the notice.

I don’t understand the notice, or I need more information about the document I received
Please contact us, our staff will be happy to assist you by providing additional information.  We are automating our document process to make it easier for you and we are here to help in any way we can.